Now you can watch and listen to our sales live as they happen!! We are broadcasting each sale through the Livestock Marketing Association website.
You will need to register at their website to gain access to the live feed of our sale. When registering, you will be asked to create a user name and a password. You will need to write down what you decide on – that is what you will use each time you want to watch the live sale.
You can register at their website at www.lmaauctions.com or Click Here to go directly to the registration page.
After registering, simply log-in on their website (www.lmaauctions.com)with the user name and password you created. After logging on, click on the “View Live Auctions Now” button and then click on the “view” button for Miles City Livestock Commission.
Remember that we have a sale every Tuesday and we also have special sales as advertised. Check out our “Sale Schedule” at www.milescitylivestock.com.